- 2022-04-07
- 2066 浏览量
本公司是专业设计、生产、安装各类型耐腐蚀通风设备设施的专业公司;主要生产,“顺通”牌防腐风机, PVC-62、PP4-62型塑料耐腐风机;产品有: DWT-I 玻璃钢轴流屋顶风机; DWT-II 玻璃钢离心屋顶风机; F4-72 C 式玻璃钢离心风机; FT35 玻璃钢轴流风机; FT30 C 式玻璃钢轴流风机;PVC4-62 聚氯乙烯塑料离心风机; PP4-62 聚丙烯塑料离心风机; 我公司还专业生产玻璃钢酸雾净化塔,PP防腐废气处理塔;以及方形、圆形玻璃钢/PP风管. 本公司风机主要适用于电镀,化工,石油,纺织,电站,实验室等. 需通风换气以及工艺流程中输送含酸性、碱性或大湿度水汽等腐蚀生气体及一般易爆气体,在电镀设备、涂装设备以及实验室设备,化学实验室配套通风等都广泛应用。
我公司拥有先进的CAD/CAM/3D/PROE辅助设计系统,专业化的加工中心和齐全的检测设备,结合多年丰富的生产经验及专业技术队伍,设计出具有外观独特,性能优良,效率更高的产品. 售前:分析用户的实际情况,设计*合理的产品生产,加工方案. 售中:讲解维护常识,实机操作演示,安装,调试服务. 售后:随时掌握产品的使用状况, 建立客户跟踪档案满足用户在维护中更换零部件的需要.
Guangzhou Shunjie Fan co.,Ltd. Is company speciatiaed in the design, production, and installation of FRP(fiber reinforced plastic) fans, plastic fans, FRP exhaust gas treatment towers, PP exhaust gas treatment towers, and other ventilation equipment.
Principal products of company include F4-72C centrifugal fan , F4-72A centrifugal, FT30C axial fan, FT35A axial fan, DWTII centrifugal roof fan, DWT-I axial roof fan, PP4-62centrifugal fan, PP4-72 centrifugal fan, PVC4-62 centrifugal fan, PVC4-72 centrifugal fan, PP6-30 high-pressure centrifugal fan, FRP exhaust gas treament tower, PP exhaust gas treatment tower, and other ventilation equipment. They mainly find their uses in scientific research , chemical industry, metallurgy, electronics industry,pharmacy , textile, instruments, electroplating , mines, schools, hotels,laboratories, environment protection equipment, and other applications.
Our provision to clients of products of higher performance and efficiency is guaranteed by our advanced CAD/CAM/3D/PROE design systems , professional processing centers, complete range of testing equipment, rich production experiences, and team of technology experts.
Following the quality guideline of ”on-going prefection”, and sticking to the principles of “first-rate management, products, and services”, Shunjie taps into the driving power fueled by technological advances and management innovations to satisty our clients , both old and new, with best quality products and services.
广东玻璃钢风机厂,广州玻璃钢风机厂,顺捷风机有限公司:专业设计,生产防腐,PVC,PP,玻璃钢风机,玻璃钢离心风机,玻璃钢轴流风机,玻璃钢屋顶风机,深圳玻璃钢净化塔,玻璃钢酸雾净化塔,酸雾吸收塔,东莞酸雾净化塔,废气净化塔,废气吸收塔,实验室专用风机,电镀酸雾处理设备, 酸雾废气处理设备工程,PP防腐风机,玻璃钢斜流风机,防腐塑料风机,PVC塑料风机,PP风机,PP风轮,PVC风轮,玻璃钢风管,风叶,玻璃钢负压风机,玻璃钢风机配件,承接整厂环保防腐通风工程安装,环保通风空调,电镀实验室酸雾废气处理净化工程,车间厂房通风降温设备安装,湿帘负压风机,湖南玻璃钢风机,武汉玻璃钢风机,长沙玻璃钢风机,浙江玻璃钢风机,昆明玻璃钢风机,山东玻璃钢风机,广西玻璃钢风机,义乌玻璃钢风机,云南玻璃钢风机,上海玻璃钢风机,福建玻璃钢风机,江西玻璃钢风机,重庆玻璃钢风机,贵州贵阳,山东青岛玻璃钢风机,欢迎来电垂询:13416274249